A Few Signs That You May Need to See Your Doctor

Everyone should see their doctor on a regular basis, no matter their overall health, for a general check-up and needed healthcare reminders. Of course you also want to see your doctor when you're experiencing chronic pain or have other such obvious concerns, but there are some health-related symptoms that should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible, but which are easy to overlook and ignore. Note a few of those symptoms here so you know to make an appointment when needed, rather than ignoring these problems.


Fatigue can be caused by lack of consistent, deep sleep, or by stress. This type of fatigue usually goes away once you get into a routine of restful sleep, and alleviate stress in your life. However, if you feel fatigued even though you're getting enough sleep, and don't seem to be under any particular stress, your fatigue could be caused by an underactive thyroid gland, lack of certain vitamins or minerals, poor diet, low blood pressure, and other such healthcare concerns.

Thinning hair

Both men and women can experience thinning hair as they get older, and the body stops producing certain hormones that promote hair growth, but thinning hair can also signal an underactive thyroid. It can also be caused by a lack of vitamins and trace minerals; your doctor may then want to prescribe a supplement, or recommend certain changes to your diet.

Sensitivity to cold

Always feeling cold often means poor blood circulation or low blood pressure, and these problems can affect your health in many ways. Smaller arteries in the fingers and toes can also narrow, usually with age, so that your digits are not getting the supply of blood they need to feed their cells. Hypothyroidism can also cause an increased sensitivity to cold.

Weight gain or loss

It's natural to gain weight as you age, as your metabolism slows down. You may also lose weight when you change your diet, even if you don't make those changes specifically for weight loss; cutting out meat, for example, can mean cutting calories and fat, and you may then lose weight. However, an unexplained weight gain or loss can mean that your thyroid is not functioning properly, or that your body is not producing certain hormones as it should. You may also be experiencing digestive problems that should be treated by a doctor, to ensure you're getting proper nutrition and are also eliminating waste.

For more information, contact specialists like Jane Harding Endocrine Surgeon.
